Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dead Stick

Airplane Dead

A term used to describe unpowered flight (glide) when the engine quits running.

With the engine quiet and the plane ready for takeoff, Steve coaxes the Highlander into flight. The plane gains speed as it coasts down a steep hill and before long it is airborne. Now gliding through the air, the engine remains off; Steve brings the plane in, landing it just as he took off: completely deadstick. The shear excitement and joy from this maneuver is contagious. Not only do you easily feel Steve’s enthusiasm for the feat he is performing,
but you also feel his love for the air and for his plane. Without the Highlander this would be nearly impossible.  However, due to the unique qualities of the plane, Steve was able to master this act and share his joy with the world.
Dead Stick

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