CG ("
Center of Gravity"):
For modeling purposes, this is usually considered -- the point at which the airplane balances fore to aft. This point is critical in regards to how the airplane reacts in the air. A tail-heavy plane will be very snappy but generally very unstable and susceptible to more frequent stalls. If the airplane is nose heavy, it will tend to track better and be less sensitive to control inputs, but, will generally drop its nose when the throttle is reduced to idle. This makes the plane more difficult to land since it takes more effort to hold the nose up. A nose heavy airplane will have to come in faster to land safely.
Aircraft CG (Center of Gravity) |
Airplane CG (Center of Gravity) |
Helicopter CG (Center of Gravity) |
Rc Car CG (Center of Gravity) |
Posted on Monday, May 20, 2013
Admin OG
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